The Best Cereal Bowls

Once upon a time, I fled my children went to the grocery store for a vacation to buy some food. I was wandering around aimlessly throwing carbs organic fruits and vegetables into my cart.

That’s when I saw it… the best cereal bowl EVER! It’s quite simply a bowl with a built-in straw. There is no need for pudgy little fingers to pick up the bowl to drink the milk.  Now, I was never one to cry over spilled milk, but I really have quite enough cleaning to do as it is. So, one less mess is a winner for me. Plus, the kids think they are cool.

Recently, there was some fighting over the pink one (since there was just one). So my mom went searching and found them at Wal-Mart.

Seriously, you gotta get these bowls.  And if you do, do yourself a favor and get more than one of each color.

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0 Responses to The Best Cereal Bowls

  1. Teri May 25, 2010 at 7:15 pm #

    My son loves these bowls.
    Tip: rinse them out as soon as you are done using them, the straw part is hard to clean if your husband leaves a half eaten bowl of cereal sitting out for a couple of days.

  2. Diana Hatcher May 25, 2010 at 10:30 pm #

    I love the words you crossed out… been there, done that! And yes, I love these bowls. Only bought one pink one originally and keep intending to buy more.

  3. Brennan May 27, 2010 at 10:56 pm #

    Today I took a trip to the grocery store and found these bowls. I bought two green ones so that we would not have the color issues. I cannot wait for the kids to try them. Thanks for the tip.

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