Cloudy with a Chance of a Busted Pipe

Yesterday morning we were watching Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs with the kids when we heard this THUNK! WOOOSH!

We got up to investigate only to discover a pipe had burst in our crawl space and was rapidly flooding the foundation area of our house. Uh….crap! We are fortunate enough to live across the street from the guy who installed our irrigation system. I went scurrying over and lucked out — he was home. He came over and turned off the water to the house, and after a trip to The Home Depot was able to repair the busted pipe. Whew!

That was some serious water. Had we not been home, or had we been forced to wait for a plumber to get to us (on a holiday weekend) we could have had a really serious and expensive problem.

If this had happened when we were traveling, it likely would have flooded the neighbor’s pool. And she is out of town. So suffice it to say, we are lucky, lucky, LUCKY people. Haven’t gotten the bill yet from our neighbor, but I hope it won’t be too bad. Whatever it is will be far less than it could have been.

And we’ll be shutting off our water when we go on vacation.

Ei-yi-yi. Here’s hoping your weekend was just cloudy.

0 Responses to Cloudy with a Chance of a Busted Pipe

  1. Ali June 3, 2010 at 1:29 pm #

    I’ve heard that if it happens when you’re on vacation the whole house can be a loss! Take it from me, you’re soooo lucky!

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