Fun Board Game (For Grown Ups)

I don’t know about you, but we grew up playing a lot of board games. And when we can, we still do. At Christmastime, my mom found a good one online and ordered it. It’s a trivia game called Smart Ass. (Mom, no idea why you were drawn to this).

Here’s how you play:

One person reads a card and the other players guess.  The categories are Who am I? What am I? and Where am I? Each card lists a series of clues that get more and more specific. You get one chance to answer, and if you guess wrong, you are out and the clues continue until someone gets it right. If no one knows the answer, the person who read the card gets to roll the die and advance his donkey.

If you like Taboo and Cranium and Pictionary then you might like this game. This isn’t quite like any of those games, but I like all of those games and this one, too.

Can’t wait to play again – it’s ON like DONKEY KONG (or Smart Ass).

What’s your favorite board game?

2 Responses to Fun Board Game (For Grown Ups)

  1. Diana Hatcher February 5, 2011 at 6:19 pm #

    Catch Phrase and Balderdash

    • Heather February 5, 2011 at 8:48 pm #

      I love those, too. In Balderdash, I can always pick out my husband’s definitions and they make me laugh even though they aren’t meant to be funny. And Catch Phrase is fun because you don’t have to be at a table. We create a lot of inside jokes with that one.

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