Say “Mom”

My son is three and sometimes he can tell me exactly what he wants to say. Other times, he knows what he wants to say, but he can’t find the words quickly. So he says his sentence adding words as they come to him.


Mom, Mom, can I…

Mom, Mom, can can can can….

Mom, can I have…

Mom, can I have a a a a…..

(and then finally)

Mom, can I have a drink?

So here’s a tip I came up with to help me find him when I am trying to locate him in the house. Instead of asking him a question that requires him to make a sentence, I just say, “Charlie, say Mom.” And he says “Mom.” I do this over and over again following the sound of his voice until I locate him. Because if he is somewhere playing with something and distracted (or if he is hiding and anxious or excited about something) he can’t form a response quickly, so this helps.

Does anyone else do this? Or a version of this?

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