Two Exit Strategies for the Mall

Sometimes my kids (4 and 6) protest when it’s time to leave the mall. Since I occasionally need to go to the mall when they are with me, I have come up with two exit strategies that help me get out with less hassle.

Strategy #1 – Cookie Monsters
I buy them each a cookie, but I don’t let them have it until we are in the car. This works pretty well. Plus, if I am going to give them sugar, I prefer to do so after they have been tied down (by that I mean strapped into their car-seats). The downside is that my kids will no doubt make a mess in the car, so I factor that into my decision when I am picking my battles. In other words, I don’t do this when I have just cleaned my car.

Strategy #2 – Elevators & Escalators
I stumbled upon this one because I am lazy by accident. One time I parked in the garage rather than the surface lot because I thought it was going to rain and I didn’t want to carry an umbrella around. This inadvertently put an elevator AND an escalator in our path. Cue the choir of angels! My kids loved them so much on the way in that when it was time to go, all I had to do was remind them about the on-the-way-to-the-car attractions and we left without incident. Problems with this plan can occur if you have more kids than elevator buttons (or one kid who can run a lot faster than the other). Additionally, you may endure a few more rides on the escalator than you would like to, so if you are on a schedule  - go with the cookies.

Now, if I want to curb their enthusiasm for the elevators and escalators, I actually employ both strategies. Because some days…I just don’t have the energy to fight the good fight. Do you guys do these kinds of things, too?

I hope you can relate. If you have any other exit strategies, please share them with the other moms in the hood.

Have a great weekend!

One Response to Two Exit Strategies for the Mall

  1. ravyn August 18, 2011 at 4:06 pm #

    I love the escalator and elevator trick. We used that one a lot in the states.

    Now I say I have a snack in my bag that we can eat in the car.
    I keep it a surprise until we are there. But if that doesn’t work I employ my version of your cookie trick. Buy it, lure them to the car with it.

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