Life Is Like a Bowl Of Mints

Charlie (4): “Daddy, I think we need a new house.”
Dad: “Well, Charlie, what’s wrong with the house we currently have?”
Charlie: “First of all, we don’t have a bowl of mints on the table.”
Dad: “What else?”
Charlie: “That’s pretty much it.”

One-on-One Time with Molly

My husband recently took our daughter Molly (7) to a Daddy/Daughter dance. Yes, there’s no time like FEBRUARY for a luau!  But what were they going to pick Valentine’s Day? That wouldn’t work, so okay, whatever. And because the stores start putting summer clothes out in February we had no problems finding something for her to wear.

Charlie Was Jealous.

He kept trying to worm his way into every picture. So of course I decided the best way to soothe him was a steak dinner. (Okay, so I’ve been eating a lot of sandwiches at home lately).

One-on-One Time With Charlie

My son was stoked to go to Mom and Dad’s date night restaurant. Why? Because we always bring the kids home a mint from the restaurant.

He’s so simple, the kid wanted a mint and was willing to be on his best behavior to get it. I on the other hand, just wanted a steak. I was pretty fixated on it, actually. So when the restaurant opened at 5:00 and we learned that they weren’t taking anyone without a reservation I had a moment of panic.

But then my steel-trap-of-a mind remembered there is first-come first-served seating in the bar.

We sat down and the server pointedly asked me what I wanted to drink, so I ordered a glass of wine.

And there I was drinking in a bar with a four-year-old.

For the record, it was a non-smoking establishment and we were surrounded by people who look like Seinfeld’s parents.

Anyway, we had a great time talking and laughing and sharing a steak.

Mint Condition

On the way out, Charlie’s candy radar picked up the bowl mints on a table near the exit.

I bet in his mind he even heard angels singing.

As he approached the bowl, I said “Just take one or two, please.”

But my voice probably sounded like the trumpeted teacher on Charlie Brown (wah, wha, wha, wha…wha, wha, wha wha!).

Knowing he would only have one chance to reach into the bowl, he grabbed as many as his pudgy little fingers could hold onto and crammed them in the pocket of his jacket.

Two young hostesses watched and giggled as Charlie looked at them and smiled before picking up the fallen mints and adding them to his stash.

Thinking he was about to get into trouble with me, he did one of these.

I wasn’t mad, but of course that look usually makes me smooch him. (If he’s going to work me over, I am going to leverage it for smooches!)

Anyway, I was grateful for our time together and I know he enjoyed my undivided attention. And I found myself stopping to appreciate that my time and a bowl of mints is what it takes to make my four-year-old happy. I know that won’t always be the case, so for now I am just going with the fresh breath flow because sometimes life is like a bowl of mints.

2 Responses to Life Is Like a Bowl Of Mints

  1. Beth @ Free Stylin' February 16, 2012 at 10:50 pm #

    This post made me laugh!! :) You’re awesome, Heather! And your cutie pie little boy sounds like a great date. I’m glad y’all got to spend some “Mommy and Son” time together. :)

    • Heather February 16, 2012 at 10:53 pm #

      Thanks, Beth! You are so sweet. Man, I wish you were coming to Blissdom. Maybe next year.

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