Adventures in Kohl’s Shopping

Normally when I have disposable income, I spend it on the kids. But when a $100 gift card to Kohl’s came my way, I decided to make a little investment in myself. The timing couldn’t have been better; my wardrobe was looking a little sad.

So, I dropped the kids off at school and went to Kohl’s. (I like that they open early).

Off I went crashing my Kohl’s cart into displays left and right. (I have really bad eye-hand coordination. You should see me with the giant shopping cart with the little car on the front at the grocery store…yeah, that’s loads of free entertainment for anyone watching on a security camera).

Okay, back to clothes-shopping. I started putting shorts and tops in my cart, and as I added gray and brown and khaki to my pile I heard my friend Rachel talking to me in my head saying, “You never wear color, get some color!”  Okay, okay! So I picked out a few things that are colorful.

In the dressing room, I started trying things on only to realize I needed to go to the bathroom. I decided to just hurry and try everything on quickly. But pretty soon I found myself dancing like the gang from the Peanuts (you know when you hop from one foot to the other and move your head from side to side).

I had to ditch my stuff for a brisk walk to the ladies room. The bathroom was completely empty which was perfect for my shy bladder.  But then in comes someone else, and where did she go…? In the stall RIGHT next to me! Oh c’mon, lady…don’t you know you aren’t supposed to do that?!?! I mean, at least leave one empty stall between us!

Once again, back to shopping. I found a lot more than $100 worth of clothes to buy, so it was time to narrow it down. I needed some help. MamaJudy has a black-belt in shopping, plus, she always has coupons. So I put everything on hold and went back later with my mom  - in the pouring rain – what was I thinking? I had to roll up my pants and slosh around in wet shoes. It was…not attractive, but we were having fun and on a mission. (Sorry, Mom, and thanks for your help!)

Okay, so here’s what I got and how much I spent:

Instant slimming…yes, please! I actually got two pair of these.

I also got these dark denim capris (really cute on!) but they are made with that super dark dye that will turn your legs blue which is the subtext of this little tag here.

Tip: Mom said to turn them inside out and wash them separately before I wear them so I think I will give that a try.

And now for the color! I got these coral denim shorts, which I totally put on as soon as I got home from the store (had to get those wet jeans off!). Hah! You can kinda see in the picture (above) where the pants are creased from me wearing them to write this blog post.

Anyway, at the register everything added up to $99.59. Perfect, right? Then the lady hands me $10 in Kohl’s cash (redeemable next week). My mother points out that I am only a few dollars away from getting a second $10 in Kohl’s cash. Hmmmm. So I went back over and get one of the shirts I wanted but wasn’t going to get and added it to the pile.

I ended up spending another $17 to the gift card, but I got 5 nice things for $117 (plus now I have $20 in Kohl’s cash!). Sweet! I think I am going back for those reddish shorts in another color.

UPDATE: Here’s what I got with my Kohl’s cash!

So, when I am shopping with store credit, a gift card, or anything else that feels like not-my-money I tend to expand my style horizons. So, when I went back to Kohl’s today to spend my $20 in Kohl’s cash, I found this navy top that, weirdly, is sweater in the front and not-sweater in the back. Oh, why not try it on, I thought.

Loved. It. 

The fit is flattering and it has a weird dressy/casual vibe. I think it would be great with a pair of white denim capris I have or the dark blue denim capris pictured above. Can’t wait to wear it!

So, YOU want a $100 gift card to Kohl’s? It could happen. Click here for details…

Disclosure: Kohl’s sent me $100 to spend on myself. Thank you, Kohl’s!

7 Responses to Adventures in Kohl’s Shopping

  1. Melinda April 9, 2012 at 10:16 am #

    I LOVE Kohl’s! My mom and I can shop there for hours. They should send me a $100 gift card. FOR REAL! HA! =)

    • Heather April 9, 2012 at 3:29 pm #

      Hi Melinda,
      Check in tomorrow for details on how to win! Hope you are well and getting caught up after that unwanted visit from the plague!

  2. Rachel April 9, 2012 at 12:12 pm #

    Love the coral!!

    • Heather April 9, 2012 at 3:28 pm #

      Thanks, Rachel. I am glad I got some color. You give good advice when you aren’t even there!

  3. Beth @ Free Stylin' April 10, 2012 at 5:50 pm #

    Cute clothes! I especially love the coral shorts. Your new striped top will go great with it!

    • Heather April 10, 2012 at 7:14 pm #

      Hi Beth! Totally agree. That color combination is a winner! I wore those coral shorts yesterday with an eggplant colored shirt and a little white sweater over it and I felt great. (And my friend Rachel would be proud that I wore not one but TWO bright colors).

      Thanks for stopping by and I will be heading on over to Free Stylin’ to catch up on what you’ve got going on. I always learn from you, Beth. Take care!


  1. » Giveaway: Win a $100 Gift Card to Kohl’s! - April 10, 2012

    [...] falling down while making the bed, Kohl’s also gave me an opportunity to shop and share.  I got some great deals the other day and went back today with my $20 in Kohl’s cash to score another cute top! (I will update my [...]

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