What I Wish I’d Known: 9 Lessons Learned

What I wish I’d Known is a series of posts about motherhood written by moms I know and admire in support of the launch of my book, Secrets of The Mommyhood: Everything I wish someone had told me about pregnancy, childbirth and having a baby.

9 Lessons Learned

By Penni Drake

Motherhood is a lot like a roller coaster. Exhilarating highs, terrifying lows and occasionally some barf.  Here are some things I’ve learned along the way:

#1 – If you’re giving birth to the first grandchild in your family, your family members will treat you like royalty. Embrace the extra attention while you can. Once the baby is born, those same people will barely remember your name.

#2 – Writing a birth plan will guarantee that absolutely nothing goes the way you want it to on the day your baby is born.

#3 – Birthing balls are your friend while dilating centimeters 1 through 4. After that, they are good for throwing at people who annoy you.

#4 – Yes, breastfeeding is very natural. No, that doesn’t mean it comes naturally to everyone. How you choose to feed your baby is your business, don’t let anyone make you feel guilty about it.

#5 – Postpartum depression doesn’t always mean you want to kick your husband in the groin before you lock your baby in a closet and run away. Sometimes, it just means you can’t stop crying and you don’t know why. If you suspect PPD, talk to your doctor and ask for help.

#6 – When buying pacifiers, try to estimate how many you need, then multiply that number by 10.

#7 – Ignore warnings about the terrible twos. Three is the age you should fear. I like to refer to it as the Threevils.

#8 - It’s OK to break the rules from time to time. Nobody has ever died from eating ice cream for dinner - my family is living proof. Taking a break from striving for perfection is good for the soul!

#9 – The best parenting tip I’ve ever read said a parent’s face should light up with delight every single time their child walks in the room. I think about it often and try hard to always practice it. My daughter may not remember me as being a perfect mommy, but she will know without a doubt that she was loved unconditionally.

Penni Drake is a stay at home mom who rarely stays home and can often be found with 2 cameras in her bag. Penni lives in East Tennessee with her husband and three-year-old daughter. I actually met Penni in The Mommyhood! I am sure after reading this, you know exactly why we became buddies. Penni, this is so true, and so funny. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with The Mommyhood!

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