What I Wish I’d Known: Exhaustion

What I wish I’d Known is a series of posts about motherhood written by moms I admire in support of the launch of my book, Secrets of The Mommyhood: Everything I wish someone had told me about pregnancy, childbirth and having a baby.

It’s the little things…

By Christy Parrott
ChristyParrot There were things I expected about mothering – the hugs, kisses, cute things said or done. I was braced for big dramas like potty training, separation anxiety, and sleep training.  But I wasn’t prepared for the reality of dealing with kids all day and how the little things would make me sooooo tired.

There is the stuff:  the stupid car seat straps that get twisted in the buckles, wrangling kids into and out of those car seats, leaky sippy cups in freshly packed diaper bags, repeatedly explaining that if we are going to play the game then the Candyland people have to stay on the board and not blast off like Buzz and Woody.  Especially tiring is picking up legos for the thousandth time – or crayons, cars, plastic people, or toy groceries (I hate toy groceries).

There are the highs and lows of their emotions:  Even when we are having a “good” morning, there will still be regular blips of crying.  There is no small problem to them, it’s all big or bigger and no sibling offense shall go by without someone screaming “Mommy!!”  Some days I’m sagging by lunch.  Kids fight, whine, beg, and push all your buttons.

Then there are Perfect Storm days – when the stuff, the kids, and even the weather go south together and create a beast of a day.  One clings to my leg wailing during the only thirty minutes I have to get dinner ready, while the other insists on dumping out four puzzles into one pile.  I’ll beg the baby to wear the Oscar diaper because I’m out of Elmo ones and mentally curse Target for putting the name brand on sale when everyone was happy with the store brand.  I’ll let my four year old run kamikaze-like up and down the hall and scream HI-YAAHHH as he body slams the closet door because he is occupied, and I need a minute to regroup.  Taking a breath, I stare out the window at the sheets of rain keeping us prisoner.  I’ve actually considered putting myself in time-out on those days ‘cause they know anyone in time-out is to be left alone.

Maybe someone at some time told me how it would be, but living it has added color and depth to the words.  And after all, as one of my friends said, “If we had told you the whole truth, you might not have had them.”

And that would have been just awful.  I love them with all my heart, but whew, I’m tired.

Is anyone else feeling it right now, too?

Christy Parrott is a stay at home mom of two.  She spends her days trying to raise sweet bunchkin’s and keep her housekeeping above hoarder level. 

I know Christy because she’s my parents’ neighbor, and she also was a columnist for the Knoxville News Sentinel. She and I move in the same orbit. Now that I know her, I run into her EVERYWHERE – at the movies, the park, the museum, you name it! Do you have people like that – that you see everywhere? Anyway, we were wondering one day how often we did that before we knew each other. Anyway, thanks, Christy, for lending your voice to this topic. Exhaustion is a perfect topic for daylight savings week. And, for the record, I’m pooped, too. May the force be with us…

4 Responses to What I Wish I’d Known: Exhaustion

  1. Missy March 13, 2013 at 9:17 pm #

    Being a SAHM is exhausting!! Especially when your husband travels and you don’t get a break for a few days. It seems so easy until you have kids! Sometimes it’s the tantrums that are exhausting, sometimes it’s the monotony of it all.
    I wouldn’t trade it for the world though!

    • Mary March 13, 2013 at 9:33 pm #

      I totally agree with you! I was given a special gift of a daughter at the age of 45. I love her with all my heart, but boy am I tired!!!

      • Heather March 13, 2013 at 9:46 pm #

        This week has been hairy, too, because of the time change. It should reach a fine fevered pitch of cranky by the end of the week. Next week will be better and then we will be all screwed up because of spring break. So it goes, eh?

    • Heather March 13, 2013 at 9:44 pm #

      It’s exhausting to go without a break when they are traveling. What gets me is the morning stuff. I am not a morning person. I operate like a zombie and repeatedly whisper, “Shhh, no talking.”

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