Kitchen Organizing Tip

Here’s a blast from the past.


So, one of these kids is doing their own thing. And you can, too.

When it comes to organizing your kitchen, you don’t have to group like items together. Kick conventional organizing to the curb and put the items you use most in the most convenient place. I just did this the other day, and I love it.

The biggest change for me was putting the mixing bowls, strainer, cutting boards and only the Tupperware I use for packing lunches in the cabinet between the stove and refrigerator. Previously, that cabinet was full of like items I didn’t use very often. In fact, that prime kitchen real estate had become one of those spaces where you just throw something in and close the door before anything falls out.

It’s much better now. Do you have any good organizing tips for your kitchen? What works for you?

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