Smackless Smackdown: Find Their Kryptonite and Wield Its Power!

You do not need to be superman to wield kryptonite.

Lately my generally well-behaved kids have NOT been listening to me.  I am sure I am probably at fault. All I know is that all of a sudden they were completly disregarding me on a regular basis.

Well, no matter what I did to cause it, I found a way to fix it. I have initiated a smackless smackdown that is working. Here’s what I did. I sat my kids down when we were all in a moment of calm and told them the new rules:

1. The first time I ask you to do something, I want you to do it.

2. If I have to tell you a second time, it’s a warning.

3. If you don’t do it after the warning, I am taking away  (insert kryptonite) for 1 day. Their kryptonite is whatever it is that they love. And don’t give in, no matter what. Make sure your spouse is on the same page, too, so you are consistent.

And it works, folks. Or at least it’s working for me so far.

Do you guys do this, or a version of this that works for you? Would love to know how other moms handle the not listening thing.

2 Responses to Smackless Smackdown: Find Their Kryptonite and Wield Its Power!

  1. Nota Supermom February 22, 2011 at 12:03 pm #

    Sometimes I wish I had a cattle prod, but I find consistency also works and is less illegal.

    My kids’ kryptonite is bedtime.

    • Heather February 22, 2011 at 6:29 pm #

      Ooooh, bedtime. Haven’t worked that one. Thanks, will tuck that one away for sure. My son’s is sweets. I call him the candy bloodhound (nice, huh?). My daughter’s is TV. She doesn’t watch that much of it, but she really likes it.

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