My Candy Confession

Is it me, or does nearly every holiday have a monstrous candy component designed to make our thighs rub together when we walk? Well, my candy food addictions change with the seasons.

And it’s Easter-time, so my  addiction to Russell Stovers cream eggs has risen. You know the individually wrapped ones that are either strawberry (salivating) or maple (still salivating, although not as much because those are made with dark chocolate).

And here’s the kicker…really, this was what made me realize I was out of control…

Yesterday, at the grocery store, I even bought SMASHED ones because that’s all they had. P-i-t-i-ful. And my husband is out of town, so there’s no one here to thump me on the forehead and hold me accountable (even though I would totally hide the wrapper). OMG, it’s no wonder I call my son Charlie, the candy bloodhound. The cream egg doesn’t fall far from the sweets-lov’n hen, does it?!?! Somebody hold me.

Whew! Feel much better for having gotten that off my chest. Now I better go to the gym to see about getting if off my thighs!

What kind of candy gets you every time?

6 Responses to My Candy Confession

  1. Gail March 10, 2011 at 10:38 am #

    Ghiardelli’s Dark and Mint is irresistable to me, and not associated with a season, unfortunately. I also like peppermint candy canes in winter. And Robin Eggs around Easter.

    • Heather March 11, 2011 at 5:54 pm #

      Well, aren’t you just a minty girl. Just think of them like breath mints! I’m so glad I am not the only one who gets suckered into the candy. Thanks for speaking up. And thanks for reading! Miss you, Gail. Maybe we can chat soon.

  2. Diana Hatcher March 10, 2011 at 11:00 am #

    Skittles are my year-long weakness and now during the holidays they put out skittle flavored everything… skilled flavored jelly beans, candy canes, etc. Actually, yesterday I went shopping for Easter basket candy and was overwhelmed. Nearly every brand now puts out a form of jelly bean, chocolate eggs, marshmellowey can creme filled candy. It was tough to weed through and just find some traditional stuff. BTW — Right now the candy deals at CVS are really good and you can use coupons with the deals and earn extra care bucks if you have a CVS card.

    • Heather March 11, 2011 at 5:51 pm #

      Wow you are on it – already shopping for easter candy. If I buy it too soon, I will just eat it. And I agree with you on the CVS deals. I was there the other day and got $10 in CVS bucks (if you spend $50). I can do that easily between Easter candy and toiletries. Hope I can actually remember to use it before it expires!

  3. Angie March 10, 2011 at 1:16 pm #

    Ah ha ha ha! SO TRUE. In general, I’m a candy addict – no holiday necessary. My drug, uh, I mean candy of choice (at least recently) is Pretzel M&Ms. But, I will never turn down an opportunity to eat Lemonheads, Skittles (original only), Sweet-Tarts, or just about anything with Caramel! And, I’m a sucker for holiday candy – chocolate in February (though we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day), Cadbury Eggs around Easter, Candy Corn in the fall, and peppermint in December! Needless to say – hi, my name is Angie, and I’m a candy-aholic! Guess it could be worse. Now, if only I were as good as you and planned to go to the gym. Instead, the extent of my exercise today, and in the foreseeable future, will be my walks to the candy machine for my afternoon snack!!

    • Heather March 11, 2011 at 5:49 pm #

      I have never had pretzel M&Ms, but I love chocolate covered pretzels. I should probably NOT try them. No good can come of that. And I LOVE lemonheads. My dad and my sister were once in a crowd scene for a lemonheads commercial. This was when we lived in Illinois. They were in the stands at a “basketball game” when the coach called a player who messed up a lemonhead. Then everyone in the stands was supposed to say “lemonhead?” and then throw up a candy and catch it in their mouth.

      I love pretty much all the candies you listed here. But I don’t go for skittles that often. This isn’t the reason why, but someone around Halloween time told me a dentist said Skittles were the worst of all the candies on your teeth. Not that that would stop me. Just say’n.

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