Merry Christmas to Me

As a mom I spend so much of my time taking care of everyone and everything else, I need to remember to stop and do something for me every now and again.  So this year, for Christmas, my friend and I decided to buy each other a facial. It was our way (a great way) to take care of ourselves for a change.

Off we went to the spa for our “ultimate facials.”  It was great. The hardest part was remembering to relax. I had to check myself a few times and tell myself to turn off my brain and not spend that time mulling my endless to do list.

I was going to say sometimes it’s good to be selfish, but is that really selfish? Ok – if you can’t afford the treat and your kids are home babysitting themselves and eating cat food, then yes, that’s selfish. But, despite my first instint. It ISN’T selfish at all to recharge once in a while. It’s just enjoying life.

So, I say take a moment for yourself now and then, schedule it if you have to. And don’t forget to feel good about it, too!

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