Should You and Your Kids Have a Secret Code?

Anybody use a car-rider pick up line to get your kids? I heard a chilling story the other day from some parents at my son’s preschool.

Someone made a fake car sign and tried to pick up a child from a local school car-rider line with it. The child didn’t recognize the driver and alerted the teacher. The driver sped off. The child’s father was farther back in the pick-up line. Thank goodness the child was paying attention. By all signs, this strange man had the right kind of sign to get the child, but, thankfully he was unsuccessful. (And they haven’t caught him).

Sometimes my son gets in the car talking about and showing me his artwork from school. He’s not paying attention. He could totally get in the wrong car by mistake. Scary. Really scary.

Later the same day, a woman I know who lives near the bus stop was telling me how she always had a code word with her kids. And if someone didn’t know the code word, the child wasn’t supposed to go with the person – even if the child knows the person and that person is telling them it is okay.

GREAT idea! I now have a code word with my daughter. I think I will do a separate one for each child and only tell it to them. The hard part is trying to keep my little one (4) not to tell the world what it is. He may be too young for this, but I am going to do it anyway.

Do you guys have a code word or phrase with your kids?

2 Responses to Should You and Your Kids Have a Secret Code?

  1. Patra @ I Do Declare November 2, 2011 at 11:02 am #

    Dan + I have a code word, but not for safety’s a word we use if the other is getting on our nerves or we think, possibly, on someone else’s nerves that essential means stop talking – hee! But in all seriousness, I think a code word between parents and children is a GREAT idea, not just for stranger danger, but if you’re child is at another friend’s house and wants to leave they can call and say the word without having to have their friend hear why they want to go home.

  2. Heather November 3, 2011 at 4:25 pm #

    Didn’t the parents from meet the parents have one – Muskrat or something like that. What a great idea to have one with your spouse, Patra. And I also like the idea of an I wanna come home keyword with the kiddo. SMART!

    Hope you are loving fall as much as I am.

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