A Surprise Book Party!

I should have known something was up when my husband was vacuuming…

Saturday was his birthday and we were going to dinner with my sisters and their husbands to celebrate.

The LAST thing I was expecting was a surprise party – for ME.

I had no plans to do a book party, but my husband was really proud and wanted to celebrate the book, and his birthday provided the perfect ruse. (How great is he?!)

He invited everyone who was mentioned in the acknowledgements of the book. One of my best friends, Angie, drove 8 hours (each way!) with her husband and toddler to be there. I know that was a lot of work and I SO appreciate them doing that. (THIS explains the vacuuming – we were having house guests!)

My parents and my husband’s parents, my sisters, our friends – everyone was in on it. Some of my friends were avoiding me. And the ones that didn’t, never managed to let it slip. Even as I commented repeatedly on how odd it was that my husband just didn’t want to do much for his birthday. I insisted he at least get a golf game going, which he pretended to go on. (He ran party errands in golf-wear.)

We had one close call. I went to the mall to pick up a cookie cake for his birthday and he was ALSO at the mall in the parking lot on the other side. My parents, who were with me, were texting him from the car and I had no idea any of it was going on.

My sister Amy said she was excited to go out for his birthday, and that we should get dressed up and had asked me what I was going to wear. D’er!  None of this tipped me off. (Thanks, Amy, for making sure I wasn’t looking schlumpy at my surprise party!)

My husband’s parents came to babysit the kids and then we left for dinner.

My husband faked a stomach ache in the car and we had to stop at a nearby restaurant so he could use the restroom. He even managed a brisk walk into the building which in hindsight is really funny. He was stalling so his parents had time to get to the restaurant ahead of us with our kids.

When we finally got to the restaurant, we were seated in a booth. Then my friend Rachel (who cannot lie to save her life!) appeared to deliver an acadamy-award winning performance that got me into the party room, which I bought hook line and sinker. I opened the door to go in…

…and there were all my people!

My friend Caitlin, who counseled me on PR for my book a while back, was there holding an iPad. On the iPad was Heather Hopp Bruce skyping in from Boston so she could be part of it.

I was completely surprised and pretty much speechless (if you can believe it!).

My sister-in-law picked up the cake. The Town House Bake Shop made
this awesome cake that matched the design of my book.

Lots of people helped with the party. No one let it slip. I was truly surprised and humbled by this sweet gesture from my husband on his own birthday.

I’m very grateful to be loved like that.

Lots and lots of love to my friends and family (the ones who were there and the ones who weren’t), and also all my friends in The Mommyhood for your support.





8 Responses to A Surprise Book Party!

  1. Patra (I Do Declare) October 17, 2012 at 10:57 am #

    Well done, Bert!!!! You deserved this and it looked AMAZING!

    • Heather October 17, 2012 at 11:03 am #

      Thanks, Patra. I am a very lucky girl. Hope you are doing well.

  2. Lisa October 17, 2012 at 10:11 pm #

    Your husband and family and friends are fantastic, and you so deserve it!

    • Heather October 17, 2012 at 10:28 pm #

      Thanks, Lisa. I am fortunate to have some great people in my life.

  3. Penni Drake October 18, 2012 at 8:25 pm #

    Awesome! Congratulations!!!!

    • Heather October 18, 2012 at 11:58 pm #

      Thanks, Penni! I couldn’t sleep that night. I think I was still surprised.

  4. Elena October 21, 2012 at 10:17 pm #

    Congratulations on the book, I really enjoyed reading it!


  1. » What I Wish I’d Known: Angie’s Perspective - December 10, 2012

    [...] about 8 million times.  She’s also the one who drove eight hours in two days to be at my surprise book party. Because that’s how she [...]

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