And I Thought I Could Coast for a Bit…

coasting My kids are still little, but we’ve reached a level of independence that’s awesome. Everyone buckles their own seat belt and wipes their own butt. Most of the time. (There’s nothing so disturbing as happening upon an un-flushed toilet with poop and NO toilet paper in it. Ew.)

There’s a constant retraining  effort under way. Flush the toilet, wash your hands, please and thank you. It makes me wonder when they will finally remember all the things we have taught them.

I also know these problems are little problems. They say, little kids = little problems, big kids = big problems. Lately, I have been thinking about how fast time is going. And I find myself starting to pay attention to what’s ahead as well as what’s in front of me.


I blindly ordered a book called Six Ways to Keep the Little In Your Girl on the recommendation of my friend, Amy. I started reading and was all, “Oh. This is kind of a religious book…”

That’s not normally what I would go for, but I know why she recommended it, and I am glad I bought it.

While I find myself wading through parts of it, there are some serious pearls of wisdom in that book that I need to be thinking about right now. The biggest one is that from 7-12 girls are forming their opinions about sex and their body and whatever opinions they learn during these years manifest when they are teenagers.

HOLY CRAP! And I thought I was going to get to coast for a bit. Uh, no coasting for me.  I am glad I found this out now and not when she’s 13, which is when I thought I had to start thinking/worrying about it.

I’m not finished with the book, so I may write more about it later. Also, reader Austin Butler Nikolich suggested The 5 Love Languages of Children, which I also ordered, but haven’t started yet.


I got roped into a magazine-ordering situation and selected Family Circle, assuming it was about little kids. This is geared toward moms with kids who are older than mine, but I really like the magazine. There are tips and helpful information. And even though some of it doesn’t apply to me right now, I know it will eventually. So I’m reading, and I’m learning.

What books and magazines do/have you read that you recommend?

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