Back to the Future! What Would You Say to Your Younger Self?

I was in a dressing room at TJ Maxx. I looked in the mirror and thought: Hey, is that Texas? Oh… No, that’s just my butt. No wonder these pants don’t fit! 

I got to thinking about how I used to look and the “problem areas” I thought I had. It made me think about what I would tell myself if I were heading back to my 20s. So, I made a list.

Dear Me:

#1 – Even though you don’t think you are, you’re skinny. You are in your prime. Go buy some tight pants and wear them with pride.  (Naturally I started with something deep and meaningful).

#2 – Spend the money. Yeah, yeah, it’s good to be practical but life is to be lived! When I was in college I worked in Bangkok for the summer. I have always wanted to go to Singapore. When I was there, I was SO close, but I didn’t do it because of the cost. Seriously? The cost would have been minimal and I have always regretted it, so I definitely would thump myself on the forehead if I were heading back to 22.

#3 – Take a trip with your sisters. We could do this now, but it’s so much harder now that we are married with kids. Time and money and schedules make it difficult. It’s something I wish we had done before.

#4 – Say “no” more. I was a serial pleaser in my twenties. It creeps up every now and again in the 30′s, but when I see it I beat it to a pulp with the nearest blunt object.

#5 – Relish your free time. Enjoy sleeping in and lazy Sundays with the remote (and no butt to wipe, but your own).

#6 Stay out late! I don’t know about you, but it takes me longer to recover from lack of sleep now.

I’m sure there are some more meaningful things I should tell myself, but nothing is coming to mind at present.

Then I think about what a 40’s me will tell a 30’s me. Guess I’ll find out eventually!

What would you tell your younger self?

9 Responses to Back to the Future! What Would You Say to Your Younger Self?

  1. Angie August 13, 2010 at 5:45 pm #

    #1 – go to the zoo!!

    #2 – don’t waste time on people who are takers

    #3 – say “no” more often (another serial pleaser here)

    #4 – ask for help and don’t be afraid to seek guidance / mentoring

    • heatherteen August 13, 2010 at 5:50 pm #

      Angie, I totally agree with #2. The takers tend to find the pleasers and suck the life out of them!

    • Angie August 13, 2010 at 5:51 pm #

      Love this post!! Let’s do it again in our 40s.

  2. Diana Hatcher August 13, 2010 at 6:02 pm #

    Buy a compact, speedy convertible sports car to zoom around in and don’t worry about back seat space for groceries because you’ll more than make up for the lack there of in your future (yes I own a minivan).

  3. lindsay August 14, 2010 at 1:17 pm #

    I totally feel you on this one! Have you ever read the book Letters to My Younger Self? It’s a collection of letters/essays from various well-known women. They all pick various ages and life stages to write to their younger selves, but it’s very interesting. My book club read it and we wrote letters to our future selves about what we wanted to savor/remember about our current lives for the future.

    • heatherteen August 14, 2010 at 3:45 pm #

      I love the idea of writing a letter to yourself. I think I will do that and I’ll look for that book. Sounds like a good one.

  4. paula taylor October 4, 2011 at 10:12 am #

    Don’t worry stinky you did ok in your 20′s, still recovering from mine! When i fall asleep at 9pm on friday night i tell my husband i am making up for the sleep i lost In 20′s and 30′s.

    • Heather October 4, 2011 at 10:57 am #

      I mss you, Paula. Hope you are well.

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