Are You Afraid of the Health Food Store?

So, I have this long-standing fear of the health food store. What would I buy in there? Some tasteless wannabe food?  Uh, no thank you.

A while back, I read that book The Skinny Bitch, which includes a lot of animal rights information. I was totally freaked out by the book and even became a vegan for a whole six hungry hours. So I went to the health food store and bought some narsty vegan cookies (because that is the first thing I do when I become a vegan) and that was the end of that.

I was pretty grossed out by meat for a while, but eventually what I learned faded away and I went back into old patterns. Then more and more information on factory farming and pesticides came my way and I realized I shouldn’t ignore it any more. Especially since I do the shopping for our family.

Before you go forming any opinions, I’m just your average mom. The only thing crunchy about my life is the Kit Kat hidden in my desk drawer waiting to attach itself to my butt.

That said, I was ready for action. So I got my butt in gear and arranged a tour of a local health food store called EarthFare. They kindly agreed to show me the ropes. And, I took my video camera along so I could share what I learned with you. I figured if I had all these questions, other moms do, too.

So over the next couple of weeks, I will be posting video clips about what I learned from my new friends at EarthFare.

Behold! My first video!


0 Responses to Are You Afraid of the Health Food Store?

  1. Mike September 15, 2010 at 2:18 pm #

    Nice post! Earth Fare is a pretty awesome place :) I recommend everyone go there!

    • Heather September 15, 2010 at 7:53 pm #

      Thanks, Mike! I appreciate your help with this. More posts to come.

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