A Pantry Full of Ketchup

Why do I have  a pantry full of ketchup? Because I always think I am out of it when I go to the store and I buy it because I don’t want to be without it. Kids and no ketchup is a problem at our house. Ketchup is right up there with, I dunno, air perhaps. Sometimes my kids use their food merely as a spoon for the ketchup. Yes, that’s gross and yes, I should probably ration the ketchup.

The other thing I do is go to the store to get a particular item. Ketchup for example. But then I get distracted and fill my cart and get home without the item that prompted the visit to the store in the first place.

If there is such a thing as A.D.D. brought on by motherhood, I think I can safely self-diagnose. Right now every bed in this house has a laundry basket with clean clothes in it and only part of the contents are folded because I probably was distracted by something shiny.

Glad I was able to keep it together long enough to finish the blog post. Alright, I’m going to go fold the laundry and then eat a snack. Maybe something with ketchup on it. Just kidding. About the laundry.

So, what is it you buy because you don’t want to be without it?

0 Responses to A Pantry Full of Ketchup

  1. Jo September 18, 2010 at 2:39 pm #

    Washing detergent – have tons of it on top of the washing machine.

  2. Diana Hatcher September 18, 2010 at 7:22 pm #

    I have 4 bottles of ketchup (my kids’ affinity), 5 bottles werstecher sauce (my husband’s obsession) and 5 bottles malt vinegar (my favorite topping) in my pantry for the same exact reason. Glad I’m not the only one!

  3. lindsay September 19, 2010 at 9:58 pm #

    I hoard instant Oatmeal in the low-sugar variety pack. It’s what Grayson eats every morning (like clockwork) and I panic at the thought of being down to the last packet. That said, we’re out of dog food (an item I used to stockpile), so I need to go start a list.

  4. Julia September 20, 2010 at 12:27 am #

    I just have to comment that this post reminds me of Graham. He keeps buying cinnamon. Last week, we had three rather large containers of cinnamon. I finally combined two of them. Now we only have two large containers. Why does he forget that he keeps buying it? And what on earth is he cooking with it?

    • Heather September 20, 2010 at 5:54 am #

      Hey, it’s not just us! Interesting that men do it, too.

      I would take this as a sign and go have a a cinnamon roll. But then again, that’s why I am pudgy.

      You know, I read somewhere that men have some special love of cinnamon. It was related to a way-to-a-man’s-heart-is-through-his-stomach kind of story.

      Funny that he likes it so much. You should put some in his stocking at Christmas.

  5. adalle14 September 20, 2010 at 7:32 pm #

    We’re usually really good about planning a menu and a grocery list before we head to the store, but we often buy cans of black beans, ‘just in case’. I think we have at least six cans right now. There are lots of recipes that we use black beans for (tacos, quesadillas, chili, beans and rice) so our rationale is that we’ll eat them eventually.

    • Heather September 21, 2010 at 10:23 am #

      I buy a lot of black beans, too. I love black bean salad. If you need a good recipe for one…here’s what I make a lot. http://themommyhood.wordpress.com/2010/04/03/black-bean-salad-yummy-yummy/ I aspire to do a meal plan, but then there’s my reality. Yesterday, I took the time to make a grocery list. Then I went to the store and left the list at home. This is yet another indicator that I was meant to be really wealthy and have a butler. A hot one in a loin cloth, who brings me grapes and refers to me as The Beautiful Goddess.

      • adalle14 October 14, 2010 at 5:37 pm #

        Yummy is right… you know, the salad would actually be good, hot, in a taco shell. Who am I kidding — put cheese on it, and everything’s a taco.

        If your butler wears a loincloth, can he still answer the door? Your neighbors would either be scandalized or envious…

  6. Becky September 23, 2010 at 9:20 pm #

    Toilet paper!

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