Food. Re-branded.

I don’t know about you, but I do my fair share of tricking my kids when it comes to food. As my kids grow, so do my skills as a salesmom. I have found I have to “sell” the healthy stuff, so I am always looking for new ideas to do that. And I am always looking for new products that make it easier to do that.


  • Protein. The kids like steak, so we call everything steak. For example, pork tenderloin is pork steak.
  • Cantaloupe. We refer to it as candy melon and act they are having dessert with dinner.
  • My son loves cinnamon rolls, so I told him his peas are cinnamon peas and now he loves them.

Yeah, I know it won’t work forever, but hopefully by the time they catch on, they will like some of the foods we have to sell right now.

Since we are on the topic of sneak foods, I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you about the stealth drink I just discovered thanks to my new pal, Megan. She suggested V8 Fusion. So, I got the strawberry banana one she recommended. It’s pretty good, but my oldest was a little skeptical. It’s red, so I told the kids it was punch. They liked it. If they are going to be drinking juice, it might as well have a few veggies in it, right?

Do your kids eat well? If you have those near perfect kids who eat whatever you put in front of them, you have my permission to put your nose in the air. I bow down to you, and wish I had done whatever it is you did to make it that way.

For everybody else, how do you trick your kids? What kinds of foods and drinks do you buy that get more nutrients into your picky eaters?

0 Responses to Food. Re-branded.

  1. Diana Hatcher September 22, 2010 at 7:16 am #

    My son, at age 3 1/2, gets a giggle out of the idea of eating things that aren’t edible. We call his broccoli, “broccoli trees” and he sits at the table saying, “oh no, I’m going to eat a tree (giggle, giggle)” and before you know it he’s eaten every “tree” on his plate.

  2. Anna September 22, 2010 at 8:06 am #

    My son is still at the age where making silly sounds are still acceptable. He eats just about everything, but in tiny tiny amounts.

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