Coupon Tid Bits

Did you know Target has coupons online? Somehow I had missed that.

I knew Kroger had the Shortcuts program where you can put coupons right on your Kroger card, but the Target one was news to me.

Also, do you ever get those booklets in the mail full of Grocery Store coupons? Well, if you look closely, many of them say “Manufacturer’s Coupon” across the top, which means you can use them other places. Target will give you a hard time if you have the Kroger logo on the coupon, but just cut it off and they will never know.

On an organizational note — ever get to the register and have to thumb through and look for your coupons to go with the items in your cart?

If so, here’s a tip – when you make your grocery list, pull out the coupons you need and put them and your grocery list in a sandwhich bag. That way, when you get to the register, you have all your coupons ready to go.

Do you have any coupon tips? If so, please share.

0 Responses to Coupon Tid Bits

  1. Jennifer October 21, 2010 at 10:28 am #

    With Kroger, you can sign up online at and they can actually load the coupon codes onto your rewards card. Prevents you from having to carry paper coupons around. Unfortunately, there haven’t been that many items that I buy, but someone else might. ;)

  2. Diana Hatcher October 21, 2010 at 12:16 pm #

    Did you know that Publix will accept for any one product a manufacturer coupon, plus a store coupon, and depending on the store, sometimes a competitor coupon on top of that, often making the item you’re purchasing almost free.

    Each grocery store chain has different policies on coupons they will and will not accept. My neighbor sent me this link and typically saves $100 on a $160 grocery bill.

    Hope it helps you:

    • Heather October 21, 2010 at 3:37 pm #

      Thanks, Diana! That’s fabulous!

  3. susan November 10, 2010 at 6:06 pm #

    h, have u ever been to it has TONS OF COUPONS and you can be store specific. some mother out there with tons of kids and time I cant seem to come up with, has set it up. u visit the site and it gives tips and all the recent coupons(if u r looking for target, it is in there)my sister in law told me about it. she and these other moms in ATL are crazy…they somehow us the coupons and double-up and go to the store, buy 12 rolls of TP, and end up getting 2.00 back! take a look! xoxo p.s. i used it last xmas on toys and i know santa saved atleast 300 big ones!

    • Heather November 10, 2010 at 8:06 pm #

      Thanks for the comment, Susan. My friend Diana mentioned them, too. Might be worthy of its own blog post. Good idea about Christmas gift savings. Santa needs all the help he (she) can get!

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