And, Let Us Not Be Buttwads…

Sorry, I gotta vent.

I was at Walmart, and it was busy. There were lines. The sweet lady in front of me (who was probably 90) had been waiting patiently for her turn when a new register opened right beside her.

Two fifty-something (pardon me) BUTTWADS rushed over to the new register like vultures despite the line. The cashier needed a minute to set up and the vultures were right next to me forced to stand there in all their obnoxiousness with those of us in the line looking at them. I politely mentioned the lady in front of me had been waiting and should be next. And do you know what these (pardon me) fart-knockers did…they just went ahead anyway!

Oh, and you know I am not shy, especially when I am pissed off. So I was all, “Hey! You! Yeah, you, I’m talking to YOU! That is not cool! NOT! COOL! BUTTWADS!” Okay, I didn’t say the Buttwads part. But I was thinking it!

I wish you could have seen this little old lady, she was just darling. And she was easy going about the whole thing, but I just scratched my head and said to the cashier when it was my turn,”What is the matter with people?!” She shook her head and said, “You wouldn’t believe how rude people are to me sometimes.”


I remember when I worked in retail some man actually threw something at me. Like, he threw a product at me because my information booth was not a register and he didn’t want to wait in line. I was eighteen and remember it like it was yesterday. My lower lip began to quiver, and I teared up but didn’t cry. A really nice lady saw it happen and she was super kind to me which is what helped me keep it together. (Whoever you are, Lady, thanks for that.) So even though I remember the jerk, I also remember the nice lady.

Anyway, all this was a good reminder to me to be extra kind to retail workers and servers this holiday season.

Have you ever worked retail or in a restaurant? I think it should be a LAW that everyone does at some point. Just so they have a clue.

15 Responses to And, Let Us Not Be Buttwads…

  1. michelle November 23, 2011 at 8:47 am #

    stopping by from PYHO … i worked retail management for a couple years at a high end retail store and you cannot believe how rude people are. I don’t get it. I would never be that rude to a stranger who was just doing their job. seriously people. I hate when people run to the new open register without taking into consideration whose turn it is … especially if they are cutting in front of elderly people or mamas with young children.

    • Heather November 23, 2011 at 8:57 am #

      I kind of wish the lady at the register had corrected the situation, but she looked pretty beaten down so I can’t really put it on her. These people were in their 50s and they knew better.

  2. Kimberly November 23, 2011 at 9:29 am #

    Don’t you just wish that we could say the things that are REALLY on our minds.
    Sigh…why are people such jerks over the holidays.
    Actually, it’s all year round. I’ve never worked in retail, but I was an ER nurse and people around the holidays were just plain rude.

    • Heather November 23, 2011 at 8:23 pm #

      They treat people who are there to serve them like robots and not human beings. I never thought about nurses. Why can’t people just be nice? It doesn’t take that much effort.

  3. Kristin @ What She Said November 23, 2011 at 10:00 am #

    I, for one, think you should have thrown the ‘Buttwad’ in there for added effect. It might have actually gotten the point across since nothing else seemed to.

    Then again, maybe not. After all, buttwads will be buttwads.

    I worked in retail off and on in college. I don’t remember anything truly atrocious happening to me, but it definitely ain’t an easy job.

    • Heather November 23, 2011 at 8:25 pm #

      I wish I had snapped a picture so I could broadcast what they look like – a public shame on you, fart knockers. I don’t even know what a fart knocker is, but you can say it with gusto, so I am just going with it.

  4. Julie November 23, 2011 at 10:03 am #

    I worked retail for several years as a 2nd job and I feel for the people I see working now and days I hope that I never have to return. The holidays are horrible and sometimes you do just want to call them buttwads :) I wish everyone would remember that we’re all there for the same reasons…and to deal with it but sadly others think they are more important than many others.

    Have a great holiday!

    (stopping by from Shell’s PYHO)

    • Heather November 23, 2011 at 8:26 pm #

      Me, too, Sister! I hope I never have to go back and work retail either. I would probably get fired for telling off rude people.

  5. Melissa November 23, 2011 at 10:06 am #

    It is not just retail. You would not believe the people that instantly started yelling at me on the phone just because it was my job to answer the phone. I did not cause their problem and I am probably not the one that can fix it so take a breath before you start yelling and think about who you are yelling at and why.

    • Heather November 23, 2011 at 8:32 pm #

      That super sucks. I am so sorry. And you know I think the phone is even easier for someone to be rude because they can’t see the person looking back at them. On the other hand, you could totally be flipping them off and you won’t get fired because no one can see you. Unless you are at work, in which case you should just do that under the desk…

  6. Jenn [ Crippled Girl ] November 23, 2011 at 11:55 am #

    I worked in a call center for a department store, and my section dealt specifically with big ticket items.

    People are not pleasant when their brand new refrigerator dies during the holidays. Oye. I’ve never been screamed at so much in my life! The really sucky part about a job like that, is, the more you complain, the more you’ll get your way as you go up through the chain of command. So the really nice customers get shafted.

    Most wonderful time of the year, right? lol

  7. January November 23, 2011 at 2:53 pm #

    Good for you! Poor little lady. And yes, I’ve worked retail…many years of it in fact and you’re right. Some people can be complete buttwads.

    Stopping in from Shell’s.

  8. Shell November 27, 2011 at 8:48 pm #

    I worked retail during the holidays for two years and people get CRAZY. So rude- for no reason.

  9. Brooke November 29, 2011 at 9:49 pm #

    I worked at JCP when I was 16 and had an elderly man tell me, (as I was going to show him something to get his WIFE for Christmas), “I wish I had a swing like that in my backyard!” EEEEWWWWWW!

    Yes, people are rude…and very inappropriate. After working there and answering the phone for a carpet company, people don’t surprise me anymore. I could never do those jobs again!

    • Heather November 30, 2011 at 8:44 am #

      Ewwwwwww! God bless the retail workers in this world, I am so thankful to not be one of them anymore. Hope you are feeling good, Brooke!

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