Shopping with Half of the Jackpot

The jackpot isn’t actually a pile of money, it’s something better. I hit the jackpot on in-laws and my mother-in-law and I love to go to antique shops. We recently spent the day together hitting some great shops in Clinton, TN and an interior design shop in Knoxville. Here are some of the things that caught my eye.

(Neither one of us had much money to spend, so of course that’s when you can find everything you never knew you always wanted!)

They aren’t old, but I loved these zing numbers.

This metal tree would make a really great centerpiece. The store owner had clear glasses of water hanging from it and I thought it was really interesting.

Loved this little green table. Ant the $59 price tag made me love it even more.

The picture was taken with my phone, so it’s not great but this was my favorite find of the day. I was told by the owner that it is a swift for a spinning wheel. I like things that are old and interesting.

These old blocks would be great on a shelf in a nursery.

Tiny chairs.

The tag on these says they are exercise pins. This is the kind of thing you can’t buy when you have little kids.

This is a light fixture made from door keyholes. Perhaps they are legitimately old, but I kind of doubt it since they are so uniform. But you never know, someone might have harvested them from an old building or something and that’s why they match. In any event, I thought it was interesting.

I don’t love the green, but I like the shape. It looks like it used to be a mirror and made me want to start watching Craigslist for an old mirror to make into a blackboard.

This is not old, but I totally love this marble-topped iron table from a local interior design shop.

That shop also sells these musical boxes that look like TVs. They feature winter scenes like the claymation Rudolph we watched growing up and A Charlie Brown Christmas characters. When you turn the knob on TV, the scene rotates and a light illuminates interior. There is also optional sound that goes with the scene. I totally wanted one, but they are over $100 each, so not happening. But I thought they were cool and worth mentioning.

Home stuff is my thing, and I am really grateful my mother-in-law likes to go, too. What do you love to shop for? Did any of you get up and go for some Black Friday deals?

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