The Icky Mouse Club

Well, we knew we had a mouse.

Last week, he brazenly charged at my husband who was watching TV in the corner chair making him scream (in a very manly way) and ruining his focus for the remainder of the Presidential debate.

“Icky” (as we called him) had mouse balls of steel. Or he was stupid.

We set two traps.

The next evening, we heard little scratchy noises coming from behind the stove. We pulled out the drawer under the oven and found his stash: two Cheezits.

I got the vacuum and cleaned it out with the hose. During that process, I accidentally sucked up one of Charlie’s little cars and it wouldn’t come out.

My husband was thwacking the hose trying to dislodge it and managed to pop himself in the mouth, cutting his lip. (We were made for each other).

We put another trap under there and replaced the drawer.

This week is fall break, so the kids don’t have preschool. On Monday, we invited Charlie’s friend June (5) over to play. And play they did…until they met Icky.

Apparently, Charlie thought the mouse was a toy and PICKED IT UP!!! It ran out of his hands making he and Junie scream bloody murder as I raced up the stairs.

Icky was under my daughter’s bed, but visible.

Dumb and Dumber

I made a wide-eyed Charlie stand in his sister’s doorway and stare at the mouse so we would know which way it went if it moved.

I flew down the stairs and got one of the traps and put fresh peanut butter on it. Like a moron, I slowly pushed it near the mouse (as if it would hurl itself into a trap just to solve my problem).

It wasn’t moving very much. I better not let it get away. This time, both five-year-olds watch him while I switched to plan B.

I dashed into the other room and came back with a little tikes bucket and slowly set it down over the mouse.


Oh, crap! NOW what?!?!

“Get me a phone, Charlie!” I said. He brought me every dead cordless phone in the house before finally getting my cell phone.

I called my husband who provided this helpful advice, “Take it outside, and kill it.”


He decided to come home.

I told the kids to get something heavy to put on top of the bucket.

“We need a BRICK!” Junie said enthusiastically.

We didn’t have a brick, so we settled for an upside down glass bowl and some things from under my daughter’s bed: a Harry Potter Hogwarts Journal and Goodnight Moon.

(Goodnight light and the red balloon. Goodnight mouse…)

My husband came home. We slid a piece of cardboard under the bucket, I sent Charlie to wash his hands, and then we all piled into the car.

I drove. My husband held the mouse telling me NOT to have an accident — not because he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, but because he would probably lose it if this mouse was running loose on him in the car!

We drove to nearby field and let him go.

That mouse probably made it back to our house before we did.

(Let’s hope not!)

Have you ever had a mouse in your house before?

11 Responses to The Icky Mouse Club

  1. Rachel October 18, 2012 at 8:04 pm #

    I read the post out load for the family to hear. We all got a great laugh! Thanks for the entertainment. I wish I could have been there.

    • Heather October 18, 2012 at 8:41 pm #

      Junie made The Mommyhood. And she’s a mousketeer! Good times.

  2. Heather October 18, 2012 at 9:24 pm #

    I think maybe the mouse wanted to be your pet. He was clearly starved for affection. Did you ever see The Incredible Journey? He’ll be back. He loves you.

    • Heather October 19, 2012 at 9:11 am #

      We don’t need any extra poop and cheezits on the floor over here, Heather! I did think about him the whole rest of the day, wondering about how he was doing over in the field with nary a cheezit in site. Hope he’s okay and his Incredible Journey (classic movie, by the way) leads him elsewhere.

  3. jen October 18, 2012 at 9:31 pm #

    Hahaha! As funny as it was to hear in person….the photos to go with your narrative makes it even funnier. Poor icky, hope he fares well. Away from your house!

    • Heather October 19, 2012 at 9:12 am #

      Yeah, me, too.

  4. Amy October 18, 2012 at 10:33 pm #

    I must say I’m proud of you for putting something over it. I was paralyzed with fear recently when we had one and my husband wasn’t there either. I can confidently say I would have made the kids kill it. :)
    (ok- just kidding… but I probably would have considered it.) :)

    • Heather October 19, 2012 at 9:14 am #

      I was silent for the bucket moment but I am pretty sure I screamed as soon as I set it down. I’m sure he was as scared (or more scared) than I was! Glad we didn’t kill it. Plus, Charlie was going on about nature and how to be a good girl scout (Molly’s influence here). We really need to get him into boy scouts.

  5. Cheryl Rucker October 19, 2012 at 8:13 pm #

    The photos are priceless!! Great story.

    • Heather October 20, 2012 at 3:48 pm #

      Thank, Cheryl. I hope this doesn’t give the impression my house is gross or something. I think it was totally a fluke!


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