The Volunteer State: I Miss My Paycheck

I am in the volunteer state. Literally and figuratively. I live in Tennessee and I am a stay-at-home-mom. Huh? What? What are you taking about? I am saying that staying home with kids is kind of like volunteering. You choose to do the work and its rewarding, but there is no paycheck.

When you are working, staying home seems like a great idea. When you are staying home, working sounds pretty darn good (plus you know your hair will be combed and you will be getting compensated monetarily for your efforts).

So all you moms with a paycheck, stop what you are doing right now and appreciate that money and the fact that you can eat your lunch without having to yell at someone or touch poop (unless you are working at a waste treatment plant with a co-worker that is hard of hearing).

My catch 22 is that I have more time to think of great ways to spend money and less money to spend. (Cue the violins!)

My daughter recently asked me what my job was.  “I’m in sales.” I said.   “Mommy sells things around the house we don’t need.”  What I should have said is I am a volunteer. I am lucky that I can choose and I volunteer to be with you guys now so we can be together and have fun. And it is fun (minus the poo)… but I still miss my paycheck.

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