Which Way to the Mompants?

I used to be put together. Now, I can often be found in a ponytail and what can only be called mompants. My mom uniform  is black drawstring pants from Target and a long-sleeved t-shirt.

I didn’t even know I had a uniform, until I realized my last pair of black drawstring pants needed to be thrown out on account of smelliness. My washer wasn’t working properly and because of that (plus my self-diagnosed ADD) a critical  load of laundry sat in the washer too long and I can’t get the smell out.  After $300 in washing machine repair, I now have to replace the smelly clothes.

Off to Target. Which way to the mompants, Target people? Oh, over here. Thanks.  Saw another mom at the racks. “You here for the mompants, too?” She wasn’t amused. I was, though.

I’ll be thinking about her tomorrow when I debut my new sweats. Not too much longer and I can trade in my winter uniform for my summer one. That consists of flip-flops, a rainbow of t-shirts and khaki cargo shorts. Oh yeah, and the ever-present ponytail.  You know, I know better. I just don’t care right now. I guess I need that moment in the store when I walk past some mirrors and am taken aback at the frumpster I see before me.

Heather Robinson. Temporary resident of Frumptown, USA. Where do you get YOUR mompants? What’s your uniform? Fess up. You know you have one.

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0 Responses to Which Way to the Mompants?

  1. Diana Hatcher February 7, 2010 at 11:08 am #

    Try as I may to abandon the daily pony tail and go back to a hair style, on the days I am actually motivated and can find a moment to blow dry my hair, inevitably 3 – 4 hours later I’m pulling it back up into a ponytail again:(

    The constant bending over to pick up toys and kids, do laundry and dishes; the repeated up and down on stairs, and lugging to and fro from car to house to store just isn’t conducive to anything but a ponytail. I fought it for a while but have given up. In fact, by the end of the day I feel I’ve EARNED the right to look as frumpy as I want, without guilt (sorry hubby).

    Yes, Target was the mompants store of choice for a while but I’ve moved on to workout pants hoping that people will think that I just came from the gym and haven’t had a chance to change into presentable clothes (which is sometimes the case but not as often as what I portray).

    I keep thinking that one day, when my kids are a little older I’ll adopt style again. But right now the plan t-shirt is the style of choice because I don’t mind when the kids streak it with food, snot and other endless squishy stuff, and the workout pants make domesticity a little more comfortable.


  1. Mom Pants Go to Vegas « TheMommyhood. - February 23, 2010

    [...] right — I don’t have any! Well, I have plenty of clothes, but unfortunately most of my mom pants fall into the category of Chuck E. [...]

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