The Running of the Moms: Tips for Buying and Selling at Consignment

It’s time to sort through toys and clothes and tag them for upcoming consignment sales events. Ugh! I think I would rather clean toilets.

The last couple of times I did this I said I wouldn’t do it again. It’s so much work. But then the dollar signs appear in my eyes as I imagine everything selling for top dollar. 

Despite the work, I think the sales events are pretty fun. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I am at a consignment sale, I get the fever! The excitement from the thrill of the hunt for that one-of-a-kind deal. I don’t feel bad about getting a ton of stuff because #1 – it’s affordable and #2 – your stuff will hopefully sell which helps justify spending the money. Plus, I consider it recycling. And last, but not least, I go with a friend and we have a lot of fun.

So, I am still learning, but here are a few tips  I have learned for buying and selling at consignment sale events.


  • If you have time, consider working a shift at the sale if you get to shop early. Sign up for that work shift early so you can pick an easy shift you can have your choice of shifts.
  • In order to get good deals, you have to know about brands and what things cost.  If this isn’t your thing, take a pal who knows her stuff. My pal Cherise is the queen of deals, I always learn from her and we have a ball. And, it’s really helpful, to have someone there to help you make good decisions.
  • If the sale is particularly popular, go with a friend and get there early.
  • Make a list of what you need. It will help keep you focused.
  • Now you know what you need, head to those areas first.
  • Double-check clothing sizes. Sometimes what is on the card doesn’t match the tag.
  • Also, double-check for stains on the collars and sleeves and look for missing buttons.
  • Look for outfits, or if you buy separates, look for something to go with everything you buy.
  • Hauling the goods. In addition to tote bags, there are some collapsible fabric and wire containers that work well. They cost about $6.  A friend just told me they ave a bags on wheels at HomeGoods for $20.
  • Bring cash. You will be less likely to overspend.


  • Research the different consignment sales to see which one is the best match for you and your stuff. Consider the percentage you earn and the exposure your goods will get at the sale as well as what is required of you.
  • Again, knowing the brands and what things cost is key to making good pricing decisions.
  • Price to sell. The name of the game is to sell it, so don’t be greedy. You don’t to waste your time tagging something and pricing it so you will take it home.
  • Bundle! Put outfits together and sometimes you can charge a little more than you would for separate items. Plus, that means fewer items to tag. Other things to consider bundling are a headband or hair bow that goes with an outfit.
  • Use regular hangers. I know they request kiddie hangers, but why go buy hangers (cutting into your profit) when you probably have some in your closet that will work.
  • If you have a bunch of clothes to drop off, consider loading up a suitcase with wheels.

What tips am I missing?

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3 Responses to The Running of the Moms: Tips for Buying and Selling at Consignment

  1. Steph April 24, 2010 at 6:54 pm #

    Great tips. Might have to try the suit case soon ;)

    Check out http://www.consignmentsalequeen. for Tons of tip too!

  2. Steph April 24, 2010 at 6:54 pm #

    Great tips. Might have to try the suit case soon ;)

    Check out http://www.consignmentsalequeen. for Tons of tip too!


  1. Is Consigning Worth It? | - March 9, 2011

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