Paging Doctor Meany (OB Doctors are Mean)

Intentionally mean people make me twitch. Unintentionally mean people make me twitch, too.

I have a neighbor who is due to have her second baby this week. Couple of weeks ago she went to see a doctor who said something unintentionally cruel, “Pack your bag…it’s any day now.”

If you are or can remember being 9,000 months pregnant, all you want is to GET THAT BABY OUT of you! And the reality is Dr. Meany’s “any day now” really means “any day now…or in a month!”  Why don’t these doctors who do this for a living know that those last days are like dog years?

I think OB doctors should get a clue and be nicer to the people who are paying for their kids’ braces!

Hang in there, neighbor!

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