Why There Are Wood-Chips in My Purse

We are still adjusting to the freedoms awarded to my son by his new bed. Much to my dismay, he hasbeen waking up during the night and pitter-pattering his way down the hall to us. I decided a real night-light might help. We have this little turtle we love that lights up, but it turns off by itself. If he wakes up at night, it’s dark in his room. So, off I went to search for something that could work…

When my husband got home from work late last night , I bounded over to him with my new prize.  I was beaming and holding it like it was my very own Oscar.

Before I start to thank all you little people, I should confess it was only a wooden lighthouse from HomeGoods. But it was not just any old light-house. It was a night-light to be!

I needed my husband to drill the hole in the bottom, and was just too excited to wait. So he sighed and got the drill because he knew it would make me happy (and because he knew if he didn’t help me I would attempt to do it on my own). I held the light-house over the garbage can and he used a drill bit to put a hole in the bottom. My purse was on the counter and the wood-chips were flying, but I totally didn’t care. It only took a few seconds and then it was done.

I scurried up to the attic to look through the Christmas stuff. My mom loaned me some of the Dickens Village pieces and they had those lights in them – you know, the ones on a cord with a roll switch.

Eureka! I found it and put it in the light-house and voila - a new night-light for Charlie’s room. And it’s cool that it jives with the functionality of a real light-house.

Here’ hoping my little ship in the night will stay in his bed.

So, what’s in your purse?

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