This Car is Automatic. It’s Systematic. It’s Hyyyydromatic…Why, iz Grease Lightn’n!

I took my kids to surprise  my Mom at work today. When we were there, I spied a pile of boxes and remembered something cool I had seen on a blog I like called Home Making Fun (Jadi, you rock). So, the kids and I used crayons, colored paper and a glue stick to make our own drive in movie cars. It was fun and it didn’t cost a penny!

So, the double feature of this car is that it is also a mess catcher! I gave the kids popcorn and we don’t normally eat in the playroom, but the “cars” caught all  the mess. (Score!)

0 Responses to This Car is Automatic. It’s Systematic. It’s Hyyyydromatic…Why, iz Grease Lightn’n!

  1. Victoria July 15, 2010 at 2:23 pm #

    Okay, now that I’m not doubled over with laughter after reading your last few blogs Ha!! Cute idea. I’ll have to get some of those boxes to fit into my house that can’t fit another toy!! Maybe I will make them at Mom’s or at my mother-in-law’s in a few weeks.

  2. Victoria July 15, 2010 at 2:23 pm #

    Okay, now that I’m not doubled over with laughter after reading your last few blogs Ha!! Cute idea. I’ll have to get some of those boxes to fit into my house that can’t fit another toy!! Maybe I will make them at Mom’s or at my mother-in-law’s in a few weeks.

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