The Evolution of a Mommy Blog

I’m a newbie blogger (9 months).  Why do I blog? To get my own TV show, of course!

No, no, no. I blog because I am lacking in purpose now that I am a stay-at-home-mom. I tried really hard to be Supermom. I put my Corporate America suits in the closet and donned my cape, ponytail and flip-flops. Fun was scheduled into almost every minute of every day for about a year. It was exhausting, and it made me question what I was doing and why.

Am I a writer? No, not really. But I do have something to say. Lots of somethings.

You see, I’m lazy strategic. Therefore, I spend a lot of time looking for ways to make my life easier. What better way to improve the world than to share my tips and solutions with moms like you! And I love to laugh, so this blog is peppered with my own postcards from the edge of motherhood. However, I try not to vomit all the mundane details of my personal life on the blog.

I need a take-away. So that’s what I try to provide to my readers. Tips. Solutions. And the occasional guffaw.

Do readers come flocking to my site? Well, it’s better now than it was. It is a TON of work to blog and get readers. (Readers, you are valued!) Let me be clear, it’s a ton of UNPAID work.  And it doesn’t help that my readers are very busy moms. So, I want to make it worth their while to show up now and again and maybe even mention it to a pal.

I watch how other bloggers work. While I envy their success, I know their strategies are not for me. I have a great plan for my blog that I will be executing over the next couple of years. I hope you will stick around to see what happens as this blog learns to crawl, walk and run.

And that is the evolution of The Mommyhood (as I see it, anyway).

0 Responses to The Evolution of a Mommy Blog

  1. Angie July 28, 2010 at 5:12 pm #

    I’ll be here to watch your “baby” grow!

  2. Jennifer July 29, 2010 at 9:27 am #

    I love your blog. I have learned a lot from it so far and it’s great reading the words of a fellow mom. Keep up the good work!

  3. Teri August 3, 2010 at 9:31 pm #

    Looking forward to it.

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