Did You Know There Are Food Triggers for Eczema?

If you’re a mom, you are probably familiar with eczema (thick dry patches of skin). Eczema is pretty common among little kids. In fact, my son has it on his ankles and the tops of his feet. I have used a variety of ointments from Vaseline to Aveeno, but the most effective measure for us was actually preventative. Huh? Wha?

I was talking to a mom who told me she knew a mom of a child with eczema who said there are food triggers. Uh, come again? Yes, I was shocked! How come no one told me this before. So, I googled it. I learned that eggs, fish, wheat, nuts, and oranges are food triggers for eczema. So, I donned my lab coat apron and did some research made some snacks.

For us, the oranges were the culprit. Orange juice and mandarin oranges were a regular part of my son’s diet. I avoid those now and have seen a marked decrease in his eczema flair ups.

Not sure if this will help anyone, but just thought I would pass it along.

If anyone knows of any other food triggers, please share them with TheMommyhood!

0 Responses to Did You Know There Are Food Triggers for Eczema?

  1. Lindsay August 17, 2010 at 12:04 pm #

    Grayson gets eczema outbreaks really badly as well. I’ve heard of a food link, but he has them so often that it’s been hard for us to pinpoint. In addition to the lotions (and prescription lotions) that we use, we’ve also found that aloe (straight from an aloe vera plant) works wonders for clearing up particularly bad outbreaks. We put it on him after a bath and right before bedtime. By the time he wakes up it’s much, much better!

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