Pet Peeve

Okay, I know we need to share the world and I try to do my part, but this is something that absolutely drives me bonkers.

Pedestrians. Intentionally slow ones. Today, I was driving through the grocery store parking lot and (as patiently as I can) waited for 8 million pedestrians to walk in front of me. I don’t have a problem as long as you’re moving.

But occasionally there’s that individual who decides to exert their power over you. They look right at you and walk as SLOWLY as possible. Now, unless you are using a wheel chair, a walker, a crutch or have a pronounced limp or are elderly, I have a problem with you. If you know someone is waiting on your ass to get by,  put a little skip in your step, will ya?

I know it’s horrible and there’s no Christmas spirit in this admission, but when I get the look from some I-will-torture-you-by-making-you-wait person, I fantasize about revving my engine and doing a couple of threatening jolts forward just for effect.  (Rrrrrrrrun-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh!)

Is’at bad? I think maybe I have had a few too many snow days this week and not enough (or any) margaritas. Cheers!

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One Response to Pet Peeve

  1. Julia December 17, 2010 at 6:17 pm #


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