Lost But Not Found

I’m not that into clothes, but I have bought some really cute vests, jackets and sweaters for my daughter, Molly (7).

Here’s the problem. She loses EVERYTHING! She’s hot natured, so when she gets warm, she takes off her jacket, sweater or adorable vest at school.

And 9 times out of 10 – we never see it again.

It doesn’t matter if you put your child’s name in it. If it’s a layer they can take off, I have learned it is simply the risk you take if you send it to school.

Have you ever heard of that show First 48? The premise is that the first 48 hours are critical in solving crimes and murders. Well, the same is true for lost garments at school.

Only one time have I ever found something we lost in the lost and found, and it was because I realized it was gone and went after it right away.

I think people actually shop at our school’s lost and found.

This week, I was talking to a mom who said people do that right at the end of the year before everything is taken to the Good Will. But based on the many things we have lost and not found, I have to think people check it regularly finders keepers.  There’s no other explanation.

Why would parents do such a thing?! Probably because they are running out of jackets and sweaters! It’s these days where it’s chilly in the morning and hot in the afternoons that are contributing to this problem right now.

What’s the answer, hmm? Buy ugly and inexpensive sweaters, I guess. In general, I need to remember not to send anything cute (that’s removable) to school. Or maybe I should send her to school without a sweater one day. It doesn’t teach her to look after her things if another sweater miraculously appears to replace the one she lost. Maybe a chilly morning without a sweater would send a message about the importance of not losing your sweater…but you know I just can’t do that.

So, I am off to buy a couple more sweaters today (maybe from a consignment shop!). Maybe I should pick up some homing devices for them while I am at it.

Do your kids lose stuff, too?

4 Responses to Lost But Not Found

  1. Shell November 3, 2011 at 11:32 am #

    Mine do! I love Mabel’s Labels for my boys’ clothes. Especially for my middle son who wears a uniform. He’ll take off that standard blue v-neck sweater that every single child in the school has and if it’s not labeled, we’ll never see it again.

    • Heather November 3, 2011 at 12:53 pm #

      Never thought about the uniform-everyone-has-the-same angle. Yikes! I do have her name in everything, but it doesn’t matter because no one attempts to find the owner if something is lost. It just ends up in the bermuda triangle that is the lost and found. I need to just hit a few consignment sales and get some cute sweaters that don’t cost much so I am not out of sorts when (not if) they go missing. It’s just part of it, I guess.

      Hope you are having a good day, Shell. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Debbie Curtis-Magley November 3, 2011 at 12:35 pm #

    Ugh! I’m living this dilemma too. Right now, my daughter has the choice of a bright yellow rain coat or her winter coat. Everything else has disappeared. Though, she’s perfectly happy running around in a swimsuit in 60-degree weather.

    Maybe we should hide Halloween candy in the coats?

    Let us know what creative solutions you come across – I’m open to bribery if it gets the job done:)

    • Heather November 3, 2011 at 12:46 pm #

      Hi DCM! How are ya? Thanks for stopping by TheMommyhood!

      And I am glad someone else can relate. Candy would work for my son, Charlie (4), but not for Molly.

      Every day I send her with a sweater, I look her in the eyes and ask, “Now, you are going to bring this home, right?” She says, “Yes, Mommy,” but then I realize later it’s gone. I seriously think people at our school shop at the lost and found. There’s just no other explanation.

      She hasn’t lost her winter coat – which is red, and you still have that yellow rain coat…maybe bright colors is the key.

      Oh – and my kids are completely oblivious to the weather, too! Even in the summer, they don’t seem to mind the unbearable heat.

      Kids, what can you do, eh?

      Thanks again for your comment, Debbie. Great to hear from you.

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