The Joy of Swim Lessons

A friend of mine was talking to me about a child who drowned and how she was going to put her daughter in swim lessons.

My son, Charlie is four and doesn’t know how to swim. He’s perfectly happy to play in a shallow pool of water and has no interest in learning. Up to now I was all Sweet! I don’t have to schlep him back and forth to lessons! But the conversation with my friend really got me thinking. If this kid fell into deep water alone, he would have NO chance of survival. That was sobering, so I got a recommendation from a friend and signed him up for swim lessons.

I just told the kids we were going to the YMCA to swim. I didn’t tell the WHOLE truth and for good reason. It would have given Charlie way too much time to work himself into a tizzy about it.  So, I went with the ambush method.

Once he was aware of what was going on he was on my leg like a koala bear on a tree. The teacher was AMAZING and sweetly addressed and instructed him as if he weren’t crying from terror. Not drama, he was not being dramatic, he is genuinely (and for no good reason) terrified of water.

But he’s got to learn, right? It’s horrible to watch (and hear his crying and desperate pleas echo throughout the pool hall). Private lessons was definitely the way to go. He has had two and cried for 20 of each 30 minute lesson. She has him say the words to Twinkle Twinkle little star as he swims. It helps to distract him.

She also suggested he take lessons more often or suggested I come practice with him. Um, no. I do not want to be associated with making him do this, so I will gladly pay the fee.

Today’s the day. He asked me this morning if it was Tuesday and I know he was asking if he has a swim lesson.  Poor kid. I’m kind of dreading this afternoon. I will have to wrestle him into a swim suit and when we get there peel him off of me like Velcro and hand him over as he pleads, “I want to sign out, Mommy. I want to sign out!”  I just have to take a deep breath and keep doing what I know is good for him.

Anyone else have kids who are afraid of the water? If so, how long did it take to overcome it?


2 Responses to The Joy of Swim Lessons

  1. Elizabeth May 8, 2012 at 12:16 pm #

    I LOVE to swim so this was something that I wanted our son to be comfortable with early on. He was in his first lesson before he could walk! This will be summer #3. He’s actually more confident than his ability…but he does know how to float and we work a lot on waiting until someone is in the pool ready to catch him. I am super anxious about pools and water, but having him in lessons has really been a good thing. Hang in there with Charlie…by summer’s end, he’ll be much more comfortable. You could also consider fall lessons at a heated pool.

    • Heather May 8, 2012 at 12:53 pm #

      Thanks, E! I think you are right, I just need to stick with it. And I hadn’t thought about continuing into the fall, but that’s an excellent idea. I will take your advice on that. You are smart to start Brice early. I did with Molly because she wanted to and I don’t know why I didn’t think of the safety aspect before now. Wish I had started sooner. Although, maturity-wise maybe it would have been worse. I hope he gets over his fear soon.

      Thanks for your comment. It’s great to be in contact with you.

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