Recent Motherhood Moments

Motherhood moments make me laugh. What are those? Random funny things found around the house that our kids do. If your kids do something funny at your house, please feel free to send in your pictures so we can all enjoy them. With that, I give you the latest motherhood moments.

Dollar Bear

Found this bear with a dollar and it made me laugh. Ironically, this bear was bought with a dollar I gave Charlie to appease him while we were waiting for his sister to take her gymnastics class. He was begging for a dollar to use on one of those get-a-toy with a crane things. Along with the dollar, I gave him a big lecture on how those things just take your money. He came back with this bear.

Car Phone

This is how I know my spouse and I were made for each other. He drove to another part of Tennessee with the home phone on the hood of the car.

The Snoop

Found this on the floor and it made me laugh. Would have been funnier if the page wasn’t empty. Although, there are some faded purple kitties on the paper to admire…

The iPot

We had been  looking for this iPod that went missing on a trip to a lake house. Found it in a pot.

Charlie packs for a trip to a lake house with friends.

Poor dollar bear. His face was probably right in the dirty shorts when he closed it up. I love the way kids think. The other time he packed was entertaining, too.

Good times. If you run across something funny at your house, please feel free to send it in for the rest of us to enjoy!

Have a great weekend!


2 Responses to Recent Motherhood Moments

  1. Anissa September 19, 2012 at 10:45 pm #

    Thanks, friend! After today, I needed a really good laugh.

  2. Heather September 20, 2012 at 10:39 am #

    Hey! You are most welcome! Hope today is better.

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