The Game of Things

Ever played The Game of Things?

If you are looking for a good game night game, this is one to consider. I only know about it because several months ago a blog pal of mine (Angela from Angela’s Heartwork) had a picture of some of her friends laughing and the caption said something like: “This is what happens when you play The Game of Things.”

So I sent her a note to learn more. It’s a board game. I finally picked it up at Target for around $22, and we recently played it with some friends. It was so much fun – we laughed and laughed and laughed!

How to Play The Game of Things

One person picks a card with a “Things” topic such as “Things you shouldn’t do if you want to make a good first impression,” or “Things you wish you could predict.” Then each player writes down their name and answer and all entries are handed to the person who drew the card. That person reads the answers and the other players try to guess who said what.

It’s most entertaining. I totally recommend it. I love game night with friends. I like Balderdash, too. And, it’s much calmer, but we also like Bananagrams.

Big thanks to Angela, a lot of people had a lot of fun because of something you wrote on your blog. Here’s to paying that forward with readers of!

What’s your favorite game night game?

6 Responses to The Game of Things

  1. Katie September 24, 2012 at 12:55 pm #

    We love this game. We added a rule, though, we have the person who collects the answers put in a “dummy” answer which makes it a little more challenging. This is mostly because we always play with people we know well and we need something to put us off the scent, so to speak.

    Another game that is really fun is “What’s yours like?” It’s a lot of fun with a big group of people trying to give vague, yet descriptive clues for a word like “Father.”

    Game night rocks!

    • Heather September 24, 2012 at 1:13 pm #

      Ooooh, sounds fun, Katie! Will have to check that one out. And I like that rule for The Game of Things. Plus, then the person who does the card gets to play. It almost reminds me of Balderdash, which is really fun – where you make up the definitions.

      Thanks for your comment and thanks for reading!

      • Katie September 25, 2012 at 11:39 am #

        Love your blog. Stumbled onto it from a friend of a friend of a friend kind of thing. Can’t wait for your book! Have a great day.

        • Heather September 25, 2012 at 1:07 pm #

          Thank you so much for saying that, Katie! That made my day! Thanks for your sweet comment.

  2. Diana Hatcher September 25, 2012 at 1:00 pm #

    Catch Phrase is my favorite!

    • Heather September 25, 2012 at 1:05 pm #

      It’s so easy. And people always say funny things. We get a lot of inside jokes from playing it.

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