The Joy of Netflix

S Netflix o, I know I am really late to the Netflix party, but I want to talk about it anyway. I resisted it because it was just one more thing to pay for and we already have cable and are invested in cable crack (Homeland and other shows).

Plus, I still thought of Netflix as the mail DVDs back and forth option. I knew there was an online element but just never really investigated it. Until…Downton Abbey came along.

I confess we got Netflix solely to watch that and planed to ditch it shortly thereafter (before the free-trial period expired). Only, I got hooked on it. It’s only $7.99/mo and we get all these great shows, movies and documentaries. I am all kinds of nerdy, so I love a good documentary. Of course, those get me all ginned up to save the world (or myself).

Watched one called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, which is very interesting and, unintentionally, a commercial for any kind of juicer. (I still might buy one. Let me know if you have tried juicing and what you think/thought, please.)

You can create a queue of things to watch (I just put Clue in there. Do you remember that movie? Classic.)

And you can set it to kids only, which we did on the TV in the playroom since the kids can watch it in there. They’ve been watching a lot of dog movies so far.

AND you can even watch from a mobile device. So I have been re-watching that 1st season of Downton Abbey at night before bed from my iPad. I haven’t set it up on my phone. I can’t imagine using it there, but I can see how it would come in handy if you had to wait for a long time somewhere with your kids. You could just put on a show for them from your phone.

Again, this is stuff other people have been enjoying all along, and I know I am late/slow. But in case there are others who have yet to discover the joy of Netflix – it’s pretty great.

(You’re welcome, Netflix for that free commercial.)


P.S. You need some kind of device to run Netflix. We run them through gaming systems like the Wii, but there are other options. Someone recently recommended Roku to me. It’s a streaming player you can get at Walmart or Best Buy for under $100.

 Do you have Netflix? How do you watch streaming television?

11 Responses to The Joy of Netflix

  1. Beth @ Free Stylin' February 18, 2013 at 12:20 pm #

    We love Netflix, too! We actually ditched cable because we realized we could either watch our shows and movies on Netflix or Hulu. It has saved us lots of $, and we still get to watch great shows. I’ve never downloaded it onto my phone, either. I’m pretty sure my kids wish I would though. ;)

    Hope you’re having a great week!

    • Heather February 18, 2013 at 1:30 pm #

      I know. We could save a ton of money if we would just watch the shows we like later. If we were to ditch the home phone and cable we could REALLY save some money…hmmm, you got me thinking…

  2. Sherry February 18, 2013 at 1:50 pm #

    Roku is awesome!! Go to there website they have a unit for under $50.00 dollars.

    • Heather February 18, 2013 at 1:53 pm #

      Good tip. Thanks, Sherry! I don’t know why I am paying all this money for cable. Oh yeah, my husband mostly. I need to talk to my mom about Roku because she’s not going to be getting a Wii or Playstation to run Netflix…

  3. Penni February 18, 2013 at 2:08 pm #

    I don’t know anything about Roku but you can also run Netflix through an Apple TV which is just a tiny box that hooks up to your tv. We were late to the party also, just got Netflix last month. Ty is watching Breaking Bad. I love the documentaries.

  4. Sherryl February 18, 2013 at 4:27 pm #

    Funny – we just ditched Netflix. We didn’t have cable for about 5 years, and used Netflix and Hulu all the time. We also just went straight to the network sites, like ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. But now that we have finally splurged on cable, we found that we just didn’t use Netflix anymore and gave it up. However, I did want to add that a friend was trying to bring us up-to-date with our technology, and sent us a blu-ray/DVD player. You can stream Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and many more options through a blu-ray player. Or at least you can through our blu-ray player. :) I hope you enjoy your Netflix account. The queue option IS nice!

    • Heather February 18, 2013 at 5:50 pm #

      Hmmm. Maybe I am just infatuated with Netflix because it’s new and wondrous at present. Maybe I will tire of it, but for now I am all about it.

      GREAT tip on the blue-ray player streaming option. ABC has a really good app for watching their shows if you have an iPad. My mom told me she liked Revenge and I was able to catch up on it by using the ABC app. Wish all the networks had that kind of set up.

  5. Melissa February 18, 2013 at 9:04 pm #

    I got my juicer at aldi..$39 I think.

    • Heather February 19, 2013 at 7:54 pm #

      Does it work well? We must discuss. I will email you. Also curious about your juicing experience in general.

  6. Kristen March 5, 2013 at 10:26 pm #

    i love my netflix! it’s awesome in the summertime when all the shows are on break before fall and you can catch up on series or start new ones

    • Heather March 6, 2013 at 9:05 am #

      Good idea, Kristen! I will have to do that.

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