An Epiphany in the Dentist Chair

Had an epiphany in the dentist chair today. No, it’s not that I need to quit eating doughnuts (that’s the epiphany I have at the gym). The dental hygienist handed me a bag with the toothbrush, toothpaste and floss in it and asked me to wait for the dentist.

Yes, that would be toothpaste.

I looked at it and thought I have all this at home and this free stuff could be precious to someone else. So when the hygenist came back I asked if they ever donate it. She said no, but it was a good idea.

I offered to make a sign and drop a basket by so other patients could donate and asked if she would on occasion drop it by a local charity. A couple of clicks on my computer and that charity will be the Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries. I checked their site and this is one of the requested items. This whole process took about 10 minutes of my time (and a willing participant at my dentist’s office).

Thank you, Jan, for stepping up!

Anybody going to the dentist should ask the same questions.  Anyone else have any ideas for simple ways to give?

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2 Responses to An Epiphany in the Dentist Chair

  1. Jennifer Porter December 8, 2009 at 12:05 pm #

    You’re so cool!


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