My Mom Body and Jennifer Aniston’s Legs

I recently came across this picture of Jennifer Aniston.


Dzang! Look at those legs. I immediately thought of my empty vision board and ripped it out and put it up there as a reminder to go to the gym so I can have legs like that. This is pretty much impossible since her legs are each 12″ longer than mine, but I must dream big for my wee tree stumps.

Additionally, my Mom body has some belly fat that has more than worn out its welcome. I am just sick of it, I need it to go away.

So, I have been going to the gym a lot more. Only that’s not all this time. I learned the hard way that going to the gym (for me) is purely a maintenance strategy. Unfortunately, I won’t see great strides in my physical form if I work out and then drink soda and eat chocolate covered potato chips. I know that’s common sense, but I lived in denial until my gut told me the truth through a photograph.

A friend of mine took some pictures of us and I was so shocked at how I really look, it motivated me to re-evaluate my eating habits. The plan is to exercise more and eat less.

Fad dieting has failed me in the past. When I was working, I tried Adkins (a low-carb diet). While a diet that includes bacon sounds like a winner, after a while I actually began to  hallucinate. Everyone working in their cubicles looked like loaves of bread or Rice Crispy Treats with arms talking on the phone or typing at the computer.

Unfortunately, healthy eating is just not my forte. In fact, I put more effort into making sure my kids get a balanced meal then I do for myself. I’m trying to eat more fruits and veggies, but alas the pasta calls to me now and again and I answer. My moderation issues creep up again to wreak havoc with my progress. It will always be my nemesis, but I am convinced if I can get to a good place I will be motivated to maintain it.  The problem is getting there. Patience is something I lack as well, so the odds are really stacked against me here.

My friend Jennifer is probably the healthiest eater I see regularly. In fact, I think she should write a book to help people like me (who think Kit Kats were cheated out of their rightful place in one of the major food groups).  She’s just starting a running regime. To that, I say go Jen, go! You can check out her blog post on it here.

Vices – I had to kick the IZZE to the curb. IZZE was my Nicorette for Coca-cola. It merely displaced my soda habit. Since I have issues with moderation, I was drinking way too much, so that had to go, as well. Ultimately, I decided if I am going to have caloric intake, I would rather it be from food.

We’ll see how it goes. Please send me some good vibes, I’m going to need them.

So, whose legs/arms/butt/whatever do you want? If you already look like Heidi Klum, then screw-you that’s great! Please tell us your secrets.

0 Responses to My Mom Body and Jennifer Aniston’s Legs

  1. Margaret Slattery August 27, 2010 at 7:35 pm #

    When I was a teen-ager, I tore out a page from my “Seventeen” magazine of a picture of just a pair of legs with the title at the top: “What I’d do for Legs Like These.” It hung in my bathroom literally for years, and I saw it every day.

    Though I’ve been fairly fortunate with genetics and a love for exercise, I think that picture did me a disservice, constantly reminding me that my legs weren’t good enough.

    There’s no denying exercise and a better diet will make you feel better on the inside and outside. But I urge you to strive to be happy with who you are and trash the picture! ;-)

    • heatherteen August 28, 2010 at 10:33 am #

      You are probably right, but I am a dreamer. Not to mention, an eater. I was not blessed with your good genes (or jeans), so, I need Jennifer Aniston to remind me to keep going to the gym.

      Not today, though! I take the weekends off.

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