Are Your Kids Stylish? If Not, Should They Be?

So, a friend of mine was showing me all these gorgeous clothes she got for her daughter from this company called Tea Collection, and telling me about the deals she got. This particular friend has a real knack for that. Anyway, her kids always ALWAYS look so put together. (Mine, mmmm not so much. My ideas of a great kid’s outfit is one that is reasonably priced and doesn’t have to be ironed).

So I made a comment to my friend about how stylish her kids are and she said that years ago a relative told her “Your kids are a reflection of you” and she said she never forgot that. My immediate response was, “Well, I just want my kids to be good people.”

My first response was defensive, so I almost missed the message.

I got to thinking about our chat and something my sister did in college for a sociology assignment. She had to dress shabbily (is that a word?) and go to the mall and report back on how she was treated. I still remember her face when she got home. She was ignored and people looked down on her and basically did not even acknowledge her as a human being.

The message started to come through.

Back to kids and clothes. My kiddos have a couple of cute outfits, but they also have a lot of hand-me-downs. They are always clean, have their hair combed and their socks match. I don’t know why, I just  don’t put a ton of effort into clothes. As a result, I don’t always have stylish options for my kids. Well, maybe I should. You know, it’s not fair that is this way, but people treat you the way you look. And, also when you look good you feel good. So maybe I should start putting more effort into my kids clothes.

I have sort of gotten used to going to consignment sales to look for clothes. And we get a ton of hand-me-downs for which I am totally thankful. But if I put a little effort into finding good deals, I know I can get my kids new clothes that will improve their appearance and perhaps effect how they are treated by others.

So, what do you think? Am I just pandering to something I don’t even like about society? Is my renewed desire to spruce up my kids (within my means) shallow or a waste of time?

P.S. I totally can’t afford the Tea Collection clothes, but wanted to include the link because it’s fun to look anyway. My friend bought a “daily tea collection” with 7 mix and match pieces. Then she found a coupon online to bring the price down. They colors are really vivid and they are gorgeous in person.

5 Responses to Are Your Kids Stylish? If Not, Should They Be?

  1. Jennifer October 5, 2010 at 11:49 am #

    At such young ages, are the kids dressing more stylish for their own benefit, or for your benefit? I wonder if you should continue the way you have been and letting kids be kids and not stress so much about their appearance? Is there some “sense of self” for a child that comes from them choosing their own clothes to wear each day and making decisions for themselves on how they feel or how they are treated? You raise a really interesting question. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it either way. I’m anxious to know what your final decision will be.

  2. Larissa October 5, 2010 at 12:10 pm #

    I do not dress my kid stylish, how can you do that while he is growing up every day a bit? I think is more important if he is clean and comfortable than if the clothes he dresses is fashion. When he can decide for himself than he can pick whatever (if decent) clothes he likes and feel good in.

  3. Jennifer October 5, 2010 at 1:41 pm #

    I plead guilty to buying “outfits.” Although I do most of my shopping at consignment sales, I only buy if I can put together a nice outfit that looks good. With 3 kids, I just don’t have the time in the morning to do a mix-and-match game with various pants and various shirts and some random outcome. I buy outfits, hang them in the closet as an outfit, and my morning routine is easier that way, while my kids look good. I know my oldest daughter takes a lot of pride in her appearance; so, I do think it is important to help her with that priority. I know that I feel much better about myself when I am dressed well, and I would expect that this is a “reality” that translates to my kids too.

  4. Victoria October 7, 2010 at 1:08 pm #

    Well, I am the mom that this blog was about. Although I try to dress my kids well, I also agree that I want them to be good people and they are. Can’t you do both? I choose not to shop consignment sales b/c I can find bargains for new items. Whether it is a waste of time, maybe so, but my kids have never not wanted to wear the items that I have purchased for them or wear the gifts that they received. Parenting is something that every person should handle on their own, listening to advice/comments, but always choose what is right for them… Love this blog!!


  1. Waiting for Superman | - November 22, 2010

    [...] So can their appearance, according to the film. Scary, huh? That sheds a whole new light on my Are Your Kids Stylish? If Not Should They Be? [...]

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